Architecture &

NNSA Office of Secure Transportation – Western Command Agent Facility
Program Management /

DOE Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office – Technical Support Services

DOE Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management – Technical Support Services, Independent Government Cost Estimates

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Albuquerque District — NNSA Albuquerque Complex Project at Kirtland Air Force Base

DOE and Sandia National Laboratories – A-E Services for Non-Sandia Nuclear Weapons Sites

DOE Grand Junction Site Office – Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Technical Assistance Contract
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Secure Transportation (OST) – Western Command Agent Facility (WCAF)
Background and Needs
NNSA’s OST required design of an approximately 25,000 SF facility, to include: a weapons armory and cleaning area; locker rooms; restrooms with showers; an auditorium; office and conference rooms; mechanical and utility rooms; a 11,200 SF drive through area, with a full canopy; and, more. OST determined that the facility would be designed in accordance with the ‘Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings’ to reduce future operating costs and limit negative environmental impact.
Service Solutions
Pro2Serve’s A-E practice responded with a suite of services to address: fire code analysis; structural analysis; architectural design; utility sizing; electrical design and analysis; plumbing and sewer; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; storm water and erosion control; traffic flow and vehicle maneuvering; and, more. Limited examples of specific services follow:
- Heat and Air Conditioning. Pro2Serve designed a temperature regulation system utilizing distributed hot and chilled water, including gas-fired boilers with a combined 900K+ BTU/hr. capacity. Our design met the client’s requirement for interfacing with a site-specific building automation system.
- Civil. Our civil designs addressed needs for new access roads, fencing, a guard shack, and utilities.
- Structural and Architectural. The building was designed for the region’s Uniform Building Code wind and seismic zoning and in accordance with insulation and aesthetic requirements. The design incorporated the use of large, tinted windows on the building perimeter.
- Electrical. Our electrical designs incorporated emergency power generation and lighting, in addition to meeting ordinary power and lighting requirements throughout the facility’s interior and exterior.
- Fire Protection. Our professionals performed an NFPA code analysis and designed a wet-pipe fire sprinkler system in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Additionally, we addressed needs for an early warning smoke detection system and life safety features specified in the NFPA Life Safety Code.
- Communications. Pro2Serve’s A-E professionals addressed communications needs for the facility including: utility rooms; phone, television, and internet service; announcement systems; and, more. As required, we incorporated both unclassified and classified communications systems.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office (PPPO) – Technical Support Services (TSS)
Background and Needs
Enterprise Technical Assistance Services, Inc. (ETAS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pro2Serve, formed to support DOE’s PPPO. The PPPO requires assistance to further its mission to clean up legacy contamination and eliminate environmental threats at both the Portsmouth and Paducah worksites, while reducing lifecycle cost and the collective DOE worksite footprint. PPPO’s needs for removal of contaminated materials and even entire, inactive nuclear facility buildings are ongoing, based on funding and regulatory decisions.
Service Solutions
ETAS currently serves as the prime contractor for TSS to the PPPO, providing a myriad of Program Management/Integration services to move PPPO’s mission forward. A brief sample of the types of services performed follows:
- Project Planning and Baseline Support. ETAS developed and maintains PPPO’s integrated, multidecade life cycle baseline for both the Portsmouth and Paducah worksites. We also process mountains of information — distilling planning, execution, value, and performance data into actionable reports and guidance.
- Senior Management Technical Support. We provide direct support to the Federal Project Director assigned by DOE. This support includes assessment planning support, communications strategy development, participation in IPTs, and more.
- Portfolio Federal Project Director Technical Support. ETAS has provided technical oversight of PPPO’s CAP portfolio, including design and construction of the $600M Onsite Waste Disposal Facility and the $211M X-326 Process Building Demolition project.
- Procurement Support. ETAS advises and assists program personnel in procurement matters such as developing Requests for Proposals, bases of estimates, Work Breakdown Structures, Statements of Work, and more.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) – Technical Support Services (TSS), Independent Government Cost Estimates (IGCEs)
Background and Needs
OREM requires IGCE services for projects ranging in size from approx. $100K to $500M+. These projects primarily relate to construction of new facilities, renovations, utility/infrastructure installation/upgrades, decontamination and demolition (D&D), and civil works. IGCEs must meet all applicable requirements promulgated by the DOE, General Accounting Office, Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE), and others (as applicable).
Service Solutions
In a period of four years, Pro2Serve developed over 200 independent cost estimates (ICEs) for OREM. A few of these ICEs related to the following projects:
- D&D of the K-1600 Complex at the East Tennessee Technology Park. This project included nuclear decontamination, removal of hazardous waste, deactivation of various systems, demolishment of approx. 45,000 SF of facility footprint, and site preparation for reuse. AACE Class 3 estimate.
- Sludge Test Area Utilities Extension. This project included extension of utility systems (water, fire suppression, power, communications, etc.) for new facility construction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. AACE Class 4 estimate.
- Reeves Road Improvements. This project included roadway improvements to meet requirements for use as a construction haul route, requiring installation of erosion control measures, storm drainage piping, asphalt paving, subgrade stabilization, sealant coatings, and more. AACE Class 2 estimate.
In each of these examples, Pro2Serve work products (cost estimates, schedule, risk analysis, etc.) were used by OREM to support their IGCE for a procurement related action. In all cases, the estimates proved to meet their requirements, and contracts were successfully awarded for the projects.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Albuquerque District — National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Albuquerque Complex Project at Kirtland Air Force Base
Background and Needs
The NNSA’s Albuquerque Complex Project produced the NNSA’s new $174 million, 3story, 332,815-square-foot John A. Gordon Albuquerque Complex (the “Complex”). It includes workspaces for 19 user organizations that assist the NNSA in fulfillment of its national security mission and replaces 25 outdated buildings. Adding to the complexity of this project were dual needs to include a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility secure work area and fulfill our client’s directive for the Complex to achieve a LEED Gold certification in building design and construction from the U.S. Green Building Council. Our client, a district within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), required Title III (construction phase) support for this massive construction project.
Service Solutions
We worked both remotely and in-person to assist USACE with a myriad of construction management services including hundreds of submittal reviews, processing of 100+ Requests for Information (RFIs), 8 International Building Code specialty inspections, 53 weekly construction reviews, and processing of 68 material testing samples. A sample of a few other services provided includes:
- Construction Management Engineering and Design. We coordinated the receipt and distribution of design/construction submittals, working with our client to provide timely processing of Field Change Requests (FCRs) and RFIs to minimize delays in construction progress onsite.
- Construction Management Quality Assurance. We conducted an extensive Quality Assurance review of all individual operations and maintenance (O&M) manuals submitted for the entire NAC Project, across all contractors, systems, and disciplines. This review resulted our creation of a comprehensive O&M manual for the maintenance and repair of all elements of the Complex, including all building systems and equipment.
- Construction Management Schedule and Progress. We drafted and submitted monthly project status reports to our client, after distilling the most pertinent information from submittals, RFIs, and FCRs provided to us by a myriad of relevant entities.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) – A-E Services for Non-Sandia Nuclear Weapons Sites, Task Orders
Background and Needs
SNL is a DOE, National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), multi-mission research laboratory supporting a myriad of technologies and scientific endeavors in support of U.S. national security, including efforts related to the physical security and nuclear weapons. SNL’s reach on matters related to physical security extends to other DOE/NNSA locations through its CSTART program. Under this program, Pro2Serve has assisted with physical security needs at the Pantex Plant (Pantex) in Amarillo, TX and the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) in Oak Ridge, TN.
Service Solutions
Pro2Serve provided design and engineering support for more than 29 task orders under the CSTART program, including for the following:
- Perimeter Intrusion Detection Assessment System
- Interior Detection Systems
- Access Control Systems
- Command and Control Systems
- Security Infrastructure Project
- Security Infrastructure Revitalization Project
- West-End Protected Area Reduction Project
Our work on these efforts spans a wide range of professional disciplines including: civil/structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering; architecture; security; communications; and, more. In collaboration with SNL, our architects, engineers, and drafters produced engineering drawings, specifications, reports, calculations, construction packages, and more. For these efforts, we sourced staffing resources from our offices in Albuquerque, NM and Oak Ridge, TN, utilizing onsite presence, collaborative design software, and video teleconferencing to help ensure compliance with applicable requirements and to keep the work moving forward.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Grand Junction Site Office – Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Technical Assistance Contract
Background and Needs
DOE has assumed responsibility for overseeing the decommissioning and or continued operation of various uranium mining and processing locations, including a legacy uranium ore processing site at Moab, UT. The uranium mill tailings collected at this site reached 16M tons. As part of DOE’s Moab UMTRA Project, the contaminated materials at the site are being relocated to a 200‑acre disposal cell site, requiring collaboration with multiple prime contractors and regulatory agencies. Due to the expansive and complex nature of the project, our client required additional technical services to assist them in furthering their remediation efforts.
Service Solutions
In addition to fielding teams at multiple Moab UMTRA Project locations, we also simultaneously fielded workers to assist clients with similar work, at the: 1) Tuba City, AZ uranium mill tailings remediation and disposal site; 2) Grand Junction, CO uranium mill tailings disposal and processing site; and 3) Green River Missile Launch Complex. A few, limited examples of the services we have provided include the following:
- Environmental Studies, Investigations, and Compliance. Pro2Serve’s environmental practice conducted testing to verify disposal cell characteristics (compaction, moisture content, density, and cover material gradation). We also performed air and groundwater sampling for both radiological and inorganic contaminants, to demonstrate compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, as well as DOE orders.
- Design and Engineering. Pro2Serve assisted with design, construction, and operation of an expanded groundwater remediation system.
- Natural and Cultural Resource Studies. We provided expertise on native plants and endangered fish and animals, and worked with the U.S. Geological Survey to foster research on revegetation of recalcitrant soils. In collaboration with the Utah Division of Natural Resources, we also evaluated suitable habitat for several endangered fish species and control of invasive salt cedar trees using the tamarisk beetle.
- Regulatory and Public Affairs Support. Our regulatory and public affairs support to DOE has included professional interactions with numerous agencies and other stakeholders, for example, the Department of the Interior, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, International Atomic Energy Agency, congressional members, and representatives of foreign governments.
- Environmental Management Systems. Pro2Serve implemented the DOE’s Environmental Management System for the project.
- Training. Pro2Serve has provided over 400 training courses covering topics such as safety, hazardous waste operations, operation of the groundwater treatment system, lockout/tagout, vehicle and equipment inspection and use, cyber security, and records management.